I've been madly knitting the blanket of many strips ready for my new sofa, which should be arriving in the next 6 weeks or so. The picture shows a red one, but mine will be a chestnut colour in buffalo hide... I'm so excited and the children have been warned not to bounce or eat on it under pain of death. The blanket will be perfect to hide under during Doctor Who episodes. Not sure what cushions to have yet... think I'll wait until it arrives. I do quite fancy making cable cushions, but something tell me I will be a bit busy on the knitting front
BEST NEWS.........
I'm going to be an Aunty!!!! Being a Mum is one thing, but I've been looking forward to being able to spoil a niece or nephew for ages!! The children are beside themselves with excitement. Lily was amazed by the scan picture and can't believe that she was that small once... Its great they will have a proper cousin to play with... yes I'm excited if you have not already guessed... and so much knitting potential!!
So where do I start... blanket... booties.... cardigan.... hat.... gloves..... socks....teddy... it just goes on. I think that I will start with a blanket.... not sure if to do a woolly one or cotton, but definitely in bright colours rather than the traditional pastels. I have from now until about Bonfire night to get into production!! However I should really finish the stripy blanket and my Roam Hoodie first or they will get completely forgotten about!!
Wow what a long post, I'm sure there is more to ramble on about... aaah yes... Carnivorous plant!! Glenn and I have babies... in the shape of Venus Flytraps and Sarachineas.. check out our blog.. its in its infancy, but I'll be painstakingly photographing and cataloguing the collection very soon!!
OK that will do me for the mo, its great to be back in the blog mood x
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