Friday, March 31, 2006

SP - who are you?

Well it the last day of SP7 and I have had a fantastic time. I still don't know who my spoiler is - she comes from New Mexico and I know she is watching because the cluster map show a big blob roughly from there. I am really looking forward to finding out who she is and reading about her....send me a clue....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kellie! I found you!!! LOL Google is an amazing thing...

For the record that is not my box that I received but the box is what I sent to my SP. Im sorry for the mix up!

Im so glad that I get to see who you are and get to "know" you. I find the UK fascinating and one day we will find ourselves visiting the "other side of the pond."

Funny coincidence is that my father in law's name is James and we almost named our middle son James. It is a name that has been in the family for generations.

Well I have written a book on your comment section. Have a wonderful day er well evening! Thank you for being my Secret Pal!!!