I created the first Fred last year. I sat him next to the TV to admire him and see how he would look ready for Christmas and forgot him. The next morning Oliver came down stairs and discovered him.
"Mummy, there is some-one in the lounge!", was the call.
I had to think quick and come up with the Christmas Gnome flange to explain.... This is a very special Christmas Gnome who has been sent by Santa to keep an eye on you and report back so that Santa knows how good you have been. Oliver decided to call him Fred and the name has stuck.
Fred sat by the TV all through December, with Oliver giving him updates each day on how good he had been, but also how bad his friends at school had been! He gave him note to Santa to Fred and the very next day had a reply which he thought was great! Fred was an immediate hit and Oliver was the best behaved child ever just because he thought Fred might be watching.
Am I a bad Mummy?
Well the story continues....
At work there are two new second time Mums with older children who have been, well not quite being perfect. So I told them hte story about Oliver and his Fred, which got the immediate response - 'I need one!' So needles out I set to work.
3 Fred's later and a fourth to go I got the report on Fred #2. Fred #2 has made his mark on little Charlotte. Each day Charlotte would give her Mum grief over getting dressed, especially putting her tights on. The day after Fred arrives with a special note from Santa and Charlotte is the best behaved child ever! She realises that she does not have to throw a full blown 'paddy' to get her own way, a polite 'Mummy that is not very comfortable' will do.
Fred #3 is going to Mitchell, who has yet to recieve him. Fred #4 is the Green & Gold one in the picture next to the original Fred (Grey & Red), who has a rustic appeal and will soon be joined by a Grey & Red Fred #5 who is still on the needles.
1 comment:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Freds...gives me some really good ideas...
Ive been keeping up with your blog too!
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