Monday, July 24, 2006

Presents and baby Lotion

Wow - what a stash - my parcel from SP arrived this morning! - thank-you!!!!

Pictures to come as I'm still cramped in Oliver's bedroom

So I had fab purple wool and a pattern to make a felted scarf - I have done felting from fleece and needle fetlting before, but have not been brave enough to put a knitted item in the washing machine until now. There really is no excuse now is there?

Fab autumn coloured fluffy stuff - I don't know whether to knit it or just stroke it - It would make a great bag now I think of it.....

Mesh bags which I had to prize of Oliver & Lily cos they could think of lots of toys that might fit in them. They would be great for my ever increasing stitch marker collection, thats if I can find a good hiding place.

Ooh and wonderful sticky notes - best shown by a piccie, so I'll add one to this entry soon

You got me to a T and now I have some clues tofinding you - thanks SP the bundle arrived safe & sound and go creative cogs spinning, which i need as I'm doing my first freeform workshop this Wednesday @ Coventry Knit-Wits!

Baby lotion - so whats that all about you may ask?

Lily has worked out how to get out of her cot! This time comes to all parents when you can no longer corrall your little darling and have to 'trust' them enough to sleep in a little bed. Aaron took the bars off the cot to make a cute little bed and we made a big deal about how she was no longer a baby and now a proper little girl......

Proper little devil more like!

She went down for the usual afternoon nap. After about an hour I heard her calling me, so I went upstairs to be greeted by Lily head to toe in bright pink baby lotion! She had massaged it into her hair, put blobs on her face, it was somehow got into her nappy, smothered on the wall and the door, not to mention the bedclothes.

It was a perfect picture moment, but the camera was not at hand.

Needless to say all access to baby lotion, talc and baby oil have been removed incase she feel the need to repeat this little adventure.

one tired mother signing out in desperate need to escape into knitting


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you liked everything! It was a fun package to put together. And if you think this one was cool - just you wait for the August one. :-)

Your SP8 Pal

Kellie Sweeney said...

wow - I can't wait - now the dilema, do I start a bag with the fluffy stuff or a fleted scarf with the yummy purple.....too many decisions